Q & A
Well you can read the title, this is a Q&A! I want to answer some questions so you can get to know me more and what type of content you can expect from me since this blog is still so young. I got all of these questions from my Instagram followers and Facebook friends. Let's get to it!
Q: What is your blog about?
A: "Whatever For Now" started as a placeholder name on an etsy account I would someday sell handmade goods on and when I logged back in years later to finally sell not only could I not come up with a name but I honestly loved what I had intended to be a placeholder. It perfectly describes how I create and what I'll be posting here. Its whatever i'm into for now and it will change. It's about my life but it comes with tutorials, interviews, reviews, lists of my favorites, accounts to follow, educational bits I find valuable, ect.
Q: Favorite hobby alone & with family?
A: With family I'd say hiking. We love exploring and there are a ton of trails where we live in the PNW. Alone I struggle with this question because I don't get much alone time but I really love sculpting and want to take a pottery class SO bad.
Q: What's on your bucket list?
A: I have goals in life but none of them feel like "bucket list" items. It should be fun shit like bungee jumping and skydiving right? Everything coming to mind is goal oriented and kind of boring.
Q: What advice would you give other mommas that are "stay at home" but want to do more?
A: My best advice on any topic to parents is be easy on yourself. It's so easy to fall into guilt for doing just about anything. Whatever you choose to spend your time on as a parent just know it's right. If you spend a lot of time doing a side hustle for money that's dope. If you spend your free time doing self care FUCK YEAH. I would try to stay away from anything that demands a lot of you because you are already dealing with small human beings that demand a lot from you. If you do decide to dive into something crazy at the same time as being a stay at home mom well I support the shit out of that too. Find what makes you happy and do that.
Q: Do you love this shit? Are you high right now? Do you ever get nervous?
A: Hell yeah, Hell yeah, Hell yeah, fuckin right, fuckin right, all right.
Q: Would you ever vlog?
A: I'm just not confident in my video making abilities but right after I had Penelope I thought about making Youtube videos.
Q: Top 3 favorite plants?
A: This is so hard because if we are talking all plants it would be Cannabis, Lavender, Aloe Vera But if we go with house plants/decorative reasons it's more like Aloe vera, Triostar Stromanthe, Spider plant.
Q: 3 places you'd like to visit?
A: I want to travel all over and i'm not picky. I go where opportunities take me. If it was a this or that kind of question I could prob pick but out of absolutely anywhere...I can't even pick where to eat!!! next question lol
Q: 3 foods you'd never feed to your daughter?
A: I can't think of one thing honestly. Everything in moderation right? I try to provide the best foods for her at home and she doesn't drink juice or soda but if she was at a party or someone we trust offers her something like cake i'm not going to police that and never let her enjoy party foods.
Q: Do you love this shit? Are you high right now? Do you ever get nervous?
A: Hell yeah, Hell yeah, Hell yeah, fuckin right, fuckin right, all right.
Q: Would you ever vlog?
A: I'm just not confident in my video making abilities but right after I had Penelope I thought about making Youtube videos.
Q: Top 3 favorite plants?
A: This is so hard because if we are talking all plants it would be Cannabis, Lavender, Aloe Vera But if we go with house plants/decorative reasons it's more like Aloe vera, Triostar Stromanthe, Spider plant.
Q: 3 places you'd like to visit?
A: I want to travel all over and i'm not picky. I go where opportunities take me. If it was a this or that kind of question I could prob pick but out of absolutely anywhere...I can't even pick where to eat!!! next question lol
Q: 3 foods you'd never feed to your daughter?
A: I can't think of one thing honestly. Everything in moderation right? I try to provide the best foods for her at home and she doesn't drink juice or soda but if she was at a party or someone we trust offers her something like cake i'm not going to police that and never let her enjoy party foods.
Thank you so much for reading a little bit about me and sending in your questions! Now pick your favorite question and answer it so I can get to know you! Answer here in a comment or on my instagram @whatever.4.noww
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