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Diva (is a female version of a hustla) cups.

Shark week, period, menstruation, mensy, bleeding, on the rag, moon week call it what you want but #everybodybleeds .  Today we are talking menstrual cups. A lot of people call them "diva cups" but that is actually a brand name. You can get menstrual cups from many different companies. I am currently wearing a cup made by Lunette  thanks to a close friend who gifted it to me when my cycle returned after giving birth to my daughter (thank you Ashleen ). I don't specifically remember the first time I learned about menstrual cups but I bet I was young and disgusted and probably laughed at the idea. Now I am on my second cup i've owned and I love it. Sometimes I use tampons and occasionally pads as well. You don't need to pick one method and be monogamous to it. Be poly with your period products if that's what you want. There are a ton of reasons cups come out on top when the subject of menstrual products comes up but I wanted to share how to us...

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